Need Sleep?
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Need Sleep?

Need Sleep?


Ah sleep! We spend a third of our lives in it, recover from the day’s exertions every night, bond most deeply with our partner or babies in bed and receive some of our greatest dreams and visions in it. But for something that is so important, we give it remarkably little thought. Most mattresses have an effective lifespan of less than ten years, the cheaper ones considerably less, and yet the average couple hang onto their mattress for around 17 years! Isn’t it incredible that 89% of us are prepared to so many years in an uncomfortable bed?

So how do you tell if your mattress needs replacing? If the mattress sags in the middle or is lumpy, it has to go! If you and your partner find yourselves rolling together whether you intended or not, that’s a sign your bed has had enough!

How does all this relate to your spine? Having a spine that is out of alignment (vertebral subluxation) may feed nociceptive (negative messages or pain) input the the brain. If pain is feeding into the nervous system, it can’t shut down and becomes very difficult to rest as the brain is constantly receiving negative messages to the body. You may not be aware of this, but you brain and body are! That’s why it’s important to get checked by a chiropractor who is trained in detecting and correcting these vertebral subluxations. It could be the answer to your sleep!

Tips for Good Sleep:

1. Avoid Alcohol
2. Avoid other stimulants like caffeine and cigarettes close to bedtime.
3. Exercise regularly
4. Do something relaxing before bed, like a bath, music or reading a book.
5. Do not use social media right before bed.

For more things you can do to improve your sleep and overall health, read my first book, ‘7 Things Your Doctor Forgot to Tell You’.