FREE Lemon, Choc, Chia & Muffin Recipe!
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FREE Lemon, Choc, Chia & Muffin Recipe!

FREE Lemon, Choc, Chia & Muffin Recipe!


Lemon, Choc and Chia Muffins (makes 6)

Pre-heat oven to 180.c

Put 6 cupcake holders in a muffin tray.

2 cups self raising gluten free flour or use coconut, rice, millet or quinoa flour with 2 tbls baking powder
1 rice protein powder
3 tbls honey
2 tbls xylitol
1 tbls cinnamon
1 tbls lemon rind, finely grated
2 eggs
1 tbls chia seeds, soaked in half a cup water
1 tbls organic butter
2 tbls coconut oil (softened)
1/4 cup shredded coconut
2 squares of Pana or Loving Earth dark sugar free chocolate, broken into pieces.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, mix well. Spoon in to the holders and bake for 20-25mins.